Tommy and Ray plan their trip to Madame Tussauds. Read the text and then answer the questions.

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  • "Do you spell it with three S?" Tommy asks.
    "Yes, you do. It's Tussauds," his friend Ray tells him. "What a difficult word!"
    At last Tommy finds the website for Madame Tussauds. There is a lot of information about the museum. "Does it look cool?" Ray asks.
    "Yes, it does! They've got lots of really cool figures of famous people. We can see the Queen, Ed Sheeran, people from Star Wars and so on," Tommy answers.
    "Have they got Captain America?"
    "Yes, they have. And lots of other superheroes too."
    "That sounds great! But does it cost lots of money?"
    "No, it doesn't. There's a special price for students. It's only £16 per person," Tommy says. Now Ray looks at him in surprise and says: "Well, Tommy, that is expensive! I haven't got so much money. I need to ask my parents if they can help me out here. Keep your fingers crossed!"

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    Answer the questions.
    1. Does Tommy find the website?
    2. Do you spell Madame Tussauds with three S?