  • Hilfe speziell zu diesem Zwischenschritt
    Don't worry if you don't understand every word. Try to understand what the story is about. You can listen to it again. In a test at school you can listen to a text two times.

Listen to the story about Tommy's birthday party. Then do the tasks.

  •  Zwischenschritte aktiviert
    Für diese Aufgabe müssen Zwischenschritte aktiviert sein
  • Part A:
    Part B:
    Please activate "Zwischenschritte" to start with the exercises.
    Schritt 1/6
    Listen to Part A.

    Say how the people feel and explain why. Write the right numbers in the boxes.
    1 = Tommy   2 = Simon   3 = the knight   4 = Ray
    sad     excited     bored     tired